Farmer, doctor couple represent two worlds in Wolfforth Karin McCay
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - Wolfforth is mixed up in the middle of both worlds…
…city life and farm stock. In our community coverage there, we found a good example of a married couple there who are also just like that, from two different worlds.
Jason Sturgeon says, “I can’t imagine living in a big city. I’ve been on the farm my whole life and that’s where I like to be.” Jason’s family came out here about a hundred years ago. He graduated from Frenship High school but his roots are deep because he is a fourth generation farmer in Wolfforth and Lubbock County. Jason’s wife, Ashley, adds that she loves living in Wolfforth because it’s a great place to raise kids.
Part of the series was attending a free skin cancer screening offered by Dr. Sturgeon and her colleagues. My farmer agreed to attend and allowed me to photograph the screening for my article. My farmer is red-headed and has worked on the farm his entire life, so he was the perfect candidate.
While Dr. Sturgeon didn t find anything major, she did locate some spots that needed to be removed and encouraged him to make an appointment. He did.
Since then, he has seen her faithfully every six months. Mostly, concerning spots are burned it s quick and relatively painless. In February, just prior to his checkup, a sizeable bump surfaced on his neck. He assumed it was acne or ingrown hair. Dr. Sturgeon determined otherwise. The lump and a spot along his clavicle were removed and biopsied.