Completed in 2021 in Bogota, Colombia. Images by Alberto Roa , David Carretero. The people of the Colombian capital saw themselves losing hope in the idea of in-person Easter celebrations as the prospects of a third wave of.
pop-up church - Alhambra Cross is the name of a pop-up church built by Colab-19 in Bogotá, Colombia. The design is hyper-strategic and is intended to allow indivi.
Colab-19 has built a temporary church shaped like a cross to allow a local congregation to worship together safely during the coronavirus pandemic in Bogotá, Colombia.
Called Alhambra Cross, the pop-up church is made from old horizontal frameworks, a system usually used for casting concrete slabs.
The temporary church is made of old construction systems
The steel structures have been painted white, instead of their customary orange, and hung with mosquito nets to allow airflow while creating a more spiritual atmosphere for worshipers despite the car park setting. The mosquito net helps with blocking the outdoor activity, helps with social distance, keeps the ventilation going, and protects individuals from horizontal rain showers, explained Colab-19.
Architecture collective Colab-19 has built a multi-storey open-air theatre out of scaffolding to help Bogotá s businesses during the coronavirus pandemic.
Called La Concordia: Amphitheatre, the structure can be used to host everything from outdoor dining to film screenings and socially distanced theatre in the Colombian capital.
The outdoor venue can be used for a variety of events
Arranged over three levels, the U-shaped structure faces Galaría Santa Fe in the La Concordia district, creating a semi-enclosed courtyard space in the middle.
Individual platforms on the lower levels can be used for people dining at a safe distance apart, while the topmost level can be used as a viewpoint.