DURIAN odour does not increase the likelihood of a person contracting Covid-19, nor does the fruit cause harm in those who have been vaccinated against the virus, MCA Public Service and Complaints Department head Datuk Seri Michael Chong says.
He said that he received numerous complaints from durian traders who were concerned about such rumours being spread.
“Such irresponsible claims are affecting the business of these traders, who are trying to earn a living during this difficult time.
“If such claims were true, I am sure that our Health director-general Tan Sri Noor Hisham Abdullah would have warned us, ” he said.
Published on: Monday, February 15, 2021
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Miri police station (Photo: Facebook)
PETALING JAYA: Eleven police officers will be demoted or fired over the rape of a 16-year-old detainee by a fellow detainee at the Miri central police station lock-up on Jan 9,
FMT reported.
“The Department of Integrity and Compliance Standards (JIPS) has conducted an investigation into the carelessness and misconduct in this incident,” said JIPS director Zamri Yahya in a statement.
“Apart from the criminal action taken on the two police personnel, action (demoted or fired) will be taken on the 11 other senior and junior officers who were found to have failed, and were careless, in carrying out their duties.”
Published on: Wednesday, January 20, 2021
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(pic) over the rape of a minor in a police lock-up in Miri.
Eliminating Deaths and Abuse In Custody Together (Edict) said in a statement that it was “shocked and disappointed” with Aidi’s statement that the CCTV cameras in the lock-up had no recording function.
“Is the Sarawak police commissioner not aware that the government in May 2013 had made it mandatory to place CCTV cameras in all lock-ups in order to ensure detainee movements are recorded?
“We question how a police commissioner does not know or is unaware of the safety features of detention centres under his care.”
MP SPEAKS | Audit functionality of CCTV in all police stations
Modified19 Jan 2021, 2:23 am
MP SPEAKS | I welcome the reaction by the Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador to have all those responsible for the lock-up rape to be charged in court and there will be no compromise on it.
The first step in handling a rape case of this magnitude is a resolute admission and acknowledgement that a rape did indeed happen within the walls of the police lock-up and that the perpetrators be charged in court, as advocated by DAP Senator Alan Ling who had accompanied the minor and her father to lodge a police report on the incident.
MP SPEAKS | Heads must roll over rape of child in Miri lockup
Modified17 Jan 2021, 2:12 am
MP SPEAKS | In the midst of skyrocketing numbers of Covid-19 cases hitting a new high of 4,029, incidents of sexual violations tend to fall through the cracks in the news.
All attention is naturally on clusters, infected communities and how soon can the vaccine arrive.
My biggest fear came true when I read about
the case of a 16-year-old girl who was detained in the police lockup in the Miri Police Station, Sarawak on Jan 8, 2021, as a suspect in a gambling raid.
She was raped while being held under detention under police custody by another inmate the next day on Jan 9 between 4 to 5 am.