The Citizen s War Memorial removal begins with the lifting of a bronze piece, less than a week before Anzac Day.
I didn’t know about the letter from Dad until after he was gone. Mum came across it following his funeral, in Johannesburg, in 2002. She sent photocopies to his children spread around the globe. Dad wasn’t an Anzac, but that letter has given me a sense of kinship with the many Cantabrians who have shared their wartime correspondence with us this year. It’s been my privilege to read as many as possible, though I’ve only scratched the surface, in truth.
Crested geckos (
Correlophus ciliatus) love to climb, so if you get one as a pet, make sure to supply some vertical challenges. Alan Tunnicliffe Photography/Getty Images
Less than 30 years ago, the crested gecko (
Correlophus ciliatus) was presumed extinct. Now it s one of the most popular pets in the world. Cresties are small lizards with big personalities. Anyone looking to acquire their first reptile could do a whole lot worse.
Correlophus ciliatus doesn t need much space and its heating requirements are easily met. Better still, this is the rare beginner s lizard that can get by without eating insects.
Tales of the South Pacific