Boomtown: Controversial RoseArts District project passes Orlando planning board for second time
Many Rosemont residents against new 128-acre, 5,650 multi-family development
Boomtown: Controversial RoseArts District project passes Orlando planning board for second time
ORLANDO, Fla. – It’s been a two-year-long battle between developers and residents over the proposed $1 billion, 128-acre RoseArts District project set to be built on an abandoned golf course in Orlando’s Rosemont neighborhood.
Tuesday, developers Westside Capital got unanimous approval for the project for the second time, after withdrawing and re-submitting with changes following criticism from an April city commission meeting and a lot of opposition from residents in the neighborhood.
Two people were shot and injured during a fight at a home near Orlando’s Rosemont neighborhood Monday afternoon, according to the Orlando Police Department.