DesignFWD: Flooring Design Solutions in the COVID Era
DesignFWD: Flooring Design Solutions in the COVID Era
CONTENT: Multimedia with summary
Mohawk Group announces the return of its free series of accredited CEUs, first launched in 2020, in March 2021. Due to a very positive response, Mohawk Group will offer new courses in continuation of its DesignFWD digital learning initiatives. From leading design innovations to well-being in the built environment to technical solutions, the DesignFWD CEU series provides inspiring and impactful information for the contract design community.
Flooring Design Solutions in the COVID Era
May 19, 2021 at 12 p.m. EST
May 26, 2021 at 3 p.m. EST
Women of Color - The Investment Opportunity of this Century
by Catherine Berman, CEO and Co-founder of CNote
Many of us have come to realize that racial equity requires much more than intentional conversations and thoughtful grants. These are important efforts and should not be discounted, but they are not panaceas. There is a
moral imperative to address the disparities experienced by Black and Brown men and especially women in the US with action and systems change.
I want to suggest a new tool for your toolkit – and one that does not start from the place of “helping them.” It starts from a place of providing equitable access to the resources women of color need to create economic opportunity for themselves and their communities from within. It starts from “what the hell were we thinking all these years?”
Driving Packaging Sustainability From the Start
Driving Packaging Sustainability From the Start
Fabien Thibault, global manager, product and packaging sustainability at MilliporeSigma
Across industries, sustainability is becoming an increasing expectation. From reducing emissions to increasing recycling, both businesses and consumers are looking for ways in which they can reduce their environmental impact. But when it comes to products and packaging in the life science industry, developing sustainable solutions while meeting transit and safety regulation requirements is an ongoing challenge.
Now, imagine the complexity of executing this process for more than 300,000 products and 2.5 million SKUs along with associated packaging.
CNH Industrial employees have been supporting Team Rubicon’s vaccination operations in the Chicago area over the past couple of weeks. Team Rubicon, a veteran-led disaster relief and recovery non-profit organization, is a close partner with both the CASE Construction Equipment brand and the CNH Industrial Foundation. Through supporting the vaccine distribution sites across the U.S., Team Rubicon’s objective is to help expediting the nation s recovery from COVID-19.
Many CNH Industrial employees are signed up as Greyshirt volunteers with Team Rubicon and have been out in the community supporting Team Rubicon’s COVID-19 vaccination operations through the Veterans Coalition for Vaccination. Employees are supporting Team Rubicon during special Impact Days designed by CNH Industrial to facilitate volunteerism activities, as well as on their own through Volunteer Time Off. There are expected to be more opportunities for employees to volunteer with Team Rubicon through