RCSD to make own sandwiches after discolored batch from supplier
Students in the Rochester City School District have been given a particularly unappetizing sandwich for lunch the last two days, but district representatives and the food contractor say it s not mold but rather uneven curing.
Nonetheless, the district is switching to making its own cold sandwiches starting Thursday, the next day of in-person learning.
Teachers in school buildings have widely shared photos from Monday and Tuesday showing what appears to be bologna sandwiches with gray spots. Many of the same teachers have been vocal opponents of RCSD s reopening plan and point to it as evidence of poor planning and lack of funding.
PHOTO PROVIDED Pictures of sandwiches served as part of Rochester City School District lunches on Monday and Tuesday.
Rochester City School District spokesperson Marisol Lopez said Tuesday that the district is making every effort to find qualified people to fill food manager roles.
“Twenty-one of our certified food managers have retired or taken positions elsewhere,” said Lopez. “We’re trying and we’re having a hard time with it.”
The lack of certified L-1 and L-2 food managers is one of the reasons why students will not receive hot lunches this school year. The district has served frozen meals shipped in from a Long Island vendor, Tasty Foods, until this week, when they received sandwiches “that didn’t meet their standard.”
In February 27, 2021 LA Progressive, Why Black Lives Still Don’t Matter, Sonali Kolhatkar briefly discusses the death of Daniel Prude in Rochester, New York.
“[Daniel] Prude, like countless other Black people killed by police whether they were women like Breonna Taylor, or children like Tamir Rice are sacrifices to the altar of white supremacy.”
Sonali Kolhatkar’s claim that Daniel Prude was sacrificed on the altar of white supremacy ignores the fact that Rochester, New York is a minority run city. Here’s a list of its mayor, city council, police chiefs, and school board followed by their race, ethnicity, and gender. Which one is a white supremacist?
At a time when most school districts and municipalities are preparing for significantly less state aid due to New York State’s budget crisis, the members of the Rochester Board of Education may be taking a pay cut. The board members, who are by far the highest paid commissioners of any school board in the state, will discuss the possibility of reducing their own salaries when they meet Tuesday. Over the summer, as Rochester City School District officials wrestled with closing a massive budget gap, Superintendent Lesli Myers-Small said all departments should plan to reduce their budgets by 20 percent. That means cutting more than $286,926 from the Board of Education’s $1.4 million budget. The entire district budget is $927.6 million.