To the editor:
Auburn Main Street (AMS) and the Downtown Auburn Business Association (DABA) are extending a huge thank you to our community members for the support of our sixth annual âWe Love Auburn Month.â We are excited to report we had a record number of participants this year.
We are thankful for our community really coming together during the month of February and continuing the momentum of celebrating Auburn. Such success could not have been done without the generous annual sponsorship we received from Beacon Credit Union, DeKalb Visitors Bureau, Tempus Technologies, City of Auburn, Ambassador Enterprises, Auburn Hardwood Moldings and Credent Wealth Management.
6pm – Close
If you have been to the Auburn Central shopping centre or the Auburn shops along Queen St and South Terrace at any time since 1 January 2021, and have had symptoms, you should get tested and isolate until you receive a negative result.
Testing clinics around Auburn include:
Auburn Community Health Centre Drive through, 8am – 8pm, seven days
Auburn Boorea St, Drive through, 8am – 4pm, seven days
Berala Walk-in (note this is moving to the Berala Community Centre, 98-104 Woodburn Rd, Berala, from 19 January) 8am – 8pm, seven days
Sydney University, Cumberland Campus Drive through 8am – 5pm, seven days
Merrylands Park Drive through 8am – 10pm, seven days
Sydney news: Pubs and shopping centre listed in coronavirus alert, WWII bomb found in Merrylands
MonMonday 18
NSW recorded zero new locally acquired coronavirus infections in the last reporting period.
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COVID warning for Western Sydney venues
Three pubs and a shopping centre in Western Sydney have been added to a list of COVID-affected venues.
NSW Health issued alerts for the Village Tavern in Auburn, the Auburn Hotel and the Berala Hotel, as part of its investigation into the source of infection of a recently confirmed case.
Anyone who visited those venues at specific times between December 28 and January 14 is urged to get tested and self-isolate until they receive a negative result.
The state requires declared hotspots to record 28 consecutive days without any unlinked cases before it will remove quarantine requirements for travellers.
Genome sequencing indicated mystery cases identified in Sydney s west on the weekend were linked to the Berala cluster.
However, the source of infection for the group – a man and his six close contacts – is still unknown, resulting in an ongoing contact tracing effort.
People who attended Auburn s Village Tavern on December 28, January 7 or last Wednesday, the Berala Hotel on December 30 or the Auburn Hotel last Tuesday have been asked to come forward for testing after cases attended while potentially infectious.