Renowned astronomer becomes the first scientist to be EXPELLED from National Academy of Sciences five years after he resigned from UC Berkeley for sexually harassing students for nearly a decade
Geoff Marcy was removed from his position at the National Academy of Sciences on Monday, six years after he was first accused of sexual harassment
The Academy changed its bylaws in 2019 to allow for the expulsion of any member found to be in violation of its bylaws, which prohibit harassment
Marcy, who was once a contender for the Nobel Prize, is the first scientist to be removed under this new clause
Application Deadline: June 4th 2021
The John Maddox prize is a joint initiative of the charity Sense about Science and the leading international scientific journalÂ
Nature. The Prize has been awarded annually since 2012 to researchers who have shown great courage and integrity in standing up for science and scientific reasoning against fierce opposition and hostility. Each year there is one or two winners, and an additional prize for an early career researcher.
The prize brings into the spotlight the difficulty faced by many who fight to share the results of research evidence, and inspires and encourages people the world over to do the same. In 2019 there were over 200 nominations from 38 countries.
April 22, 2021
From nuclear weapons to biowarfare to cyberattacks, humanity has much to overcome. Martin Rees and Frederick Lamb discuss the obstacles we must face as we look forward to humanity’s future on Earth.
What is the fate of humanity – and other living creatures – on planet Earth? In the 21st century, we humans hold the key. Image via NASA.
The American Physical Society met virtually this week, and – on April 19, 2021, at a press gathering – the U.K.’s Astronomer Royal Martin Rees and astrophysicist Frederick Lamb discussed some of the serious obstacles humans must overcome, in order to move forward in this century. Rees commented: