Debevec tries to polemicize with Avaz
I am obliged to say that, as the President of the Court of B&H, I have never in any way abused my position, the position of power, says Debevec M. Aščić
Debevec: Dual identity and real estate are not mentioned
Foto: Archive
Ranko Debevec, the President of the Court of B&H, sent a denial today to the texts that were published on the portal and in the newspaper Dnevni avaz .
We publish his reaction in full:
Scant enumerations
On date 20.01.2021. an article entitled The Dark Face of the President of the Court of B&H Ranko Debevec was published in the newspaper Dnevni avaz on the front page and page 4, as well as on the Internet portal at the address.