Blossom Dearie Deed I Do
Tout Doucement
I Won t Dance
Johnny One Note (Previously Unreleased)
Blossom s Blues (Previously Unreleased)
That s her real name and this is her real voice, as fresh and sweet as the darling buds of May but never cloying or precious. Fittingly, there s a bright, springtime theme running through this record, which includes I.
more »t Might as Well Be Spring, A Fine Spring Morning, and the CD bonus track They Say It s Spring. And since Ms. Dearie had recently returned from a few years in France in 1956 when she recorded this, her first U.S. album, there are also some chansons in zee language of love: Comment Allez Vous, Tout Doucement, and the aforementioned It Might As Well Be Printemps. The only thing missing is April in Paris. Dearie accompanies herself on piano, with Ray Brown (bass) and Jo Jones (drums) and on some tracks a six-voice chorus. If Chet Baker and Betty Boop had a baby, she d be Blossom Dearie and