Eastern Africa Between the Rovuma and Zambesi Rivers Illustrating the Surveys of Mr. J.T. Last Leader of the Royal Geographical Society s Expedition to the Namuli Peaks 1885 - 6 - 7.
1890 (dated)
1 : 1450000
This is an 1890 William Shawe map of southeastern Africa detailing the expedition of Joseph Thomas Last to Portuguese East Africa. Printed on two sheets, the map depicts the region from Lake Nyasa to the Mozambique Channel and from the mouth of the Lindi River south to the mouths of the Zambezi River. In modern terms, this map covers Malawi and Mozambique from Lake Malawi (Nyasa) eastward to the Indian Ocean (Mozambique Channel). This region was at the time Portuguese Mozambique (Portuguese East Africa / África Oriental Portuguesa). Although the British never made a serious play for Portuguese East Africa, the cartographic work here can be best understood as reconnaissance for potential Briti
1840 (dated)
1 : 76000
This is a rare 1840 / 1843 nautical chart or maritime map of Bombay / Mumbai harbor, India. The map covers from Salsette to Kundaree Island. Detail focuses heavily on the inner harbor, where thousands of depth soundings in meters and trigonometric survey lines are included. This chart, compiled from the survey work of India Navy Lieutenant Robert Cogan represents the first major scientific survey of Bombay Harbor since the late 18th-century work of Captain John Watson.
Looking at the MapMapping here is focused on the harbor of Bombay. The Indian ocean side of the island is simply ghosted in - suggesting incomplete survey work. The harbor-side is mapped in detail with the British stronghold, Fort George, clearly represented. To the north of the Fort, the Indian town of Bombay is also evident. Cartography extends inland little beyond the coast underscoring that the inland parts of Bombay Island were at this time still la
Map of the Adirondack Forest and Adjoining Territory Compiled from Official Maps and Field Notes on file in the State Departments at Albany, N.Y.
1898 (dated)
1 : 127000
An uncommon large scale 1898 William Fox map of the Adirondack mountains of New York. The map covers the entire Adirondack Mountain region, extending from Saratoga to Plattsburg, and from Lewis County to Lake George and Lake Champlain. The map was made on behalf of the State Fisheries, game Commission for administrative purposes. The boundaries of the Adirondack State Park are defined by a bold blue line. Additional color coding designates the state of various lands. Pink shading identifies state forest preserve lands, yellow illustrates those lands bought or contract by the Forest Preserve Board, and lighter pink lands in which the state has joint ownership.