Volunteers Mike Bosse and Karen Theriault of The County Federal Credit Union meet with a tax client to offer information to improve financial stability during last tax year’s filing season. (Courtesy of Aroostook CA$H Coalition)
Volunteers Mike Bosse and Karen Theriault of The County Federal Credit Union meet with a tax client to offer information to improve financial stability during last tax year’s filing season. (Courtesy of Aroostook CA$H Coalition)
Aroostook CA$H Coalition to offer virtual tax prep
Contributed • January 25, 2021 The Aroostook CA$H Coalition will go virtual this year due to COVID-19 safety precautions.
The Aroostook CA$H Coalition will be going virtual this year. IRS tax law certified volunteers will still be available to provide free tax preparation and financial checkups for low to middle income households earning less than $57,000; however, there will be no in-person appointments accepted for 2021. Due to COVID-19 safety precautions, the Coalition has, as others across the state, “gone virtual.”
The Scan & Go Virtual Tax Preparation will be by appointment only. Documents will be scanned and handed back to the individual, prepared virtually, and then the person returns, in about a week’s time to review and sign for e-filing.