St. Joseph Fun Days Take Place Next Month in Marion
Family fun is back, and St. Joseph Fun Days 2021 is on in Marion!
After consulting with Linn County Public Health (LCPH) and Parish leadership, their website says the decision has been made for St. Joseph Catholic church in Marion to move forward with its Fun Days Festivities in full .
When is St. Joseph Fun Days?
Events take place the weekend of June 4-6. The Facebook page for St. Joseph Fun Days shows the schedule as Friday, June 4 from 4-11 pm, Saturday, June 5 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., and Sunday, June 6 from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. St. Joseph Catholic church is located at 1790 14th St. in Marion
On May 26, 2021 the Wyandot County major crimes unit and the METRICH enforcement unit served a residential search warrant at 1049 North Warpole St., Lot 6, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Levi M. Blankenship and Sarah J. Larick were found at this residence.