Yemeni political analyst Naser Habtoor said from the beginning of the ongoing conflict, the legitimate Yemeni government faced a multifaceted war. In a statement, Shabwa-based analyst said the following systematic and carefully planned policy was followed in the war against the legitimate govern
Budget 2021’s careful approach to spending and strong fiscal anchors will mean more investment in priority areas like health care and economic recovery.
Feb 25, 2021
Budget 2021: Protecting lives and livelihoods | Budget 2021 : Protéger la vie et le gagne-pain des Albertains et Albertaines
Budget 2021 protects Albertans’ lives and livelihoods with a significant investment in health care while positioning the province for economic recovery with a continued focus on the efficient delivery of government services.
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Historic investment in health care
Budget 2021 will set aside a $1.25-billion contingency to fight COVID-19. Almost $900 million will be added to Health’s base budget to reduce surgical wait times, increase continuing care, and home care capacity.