The President of India has appointed Jasmeet Singh and Amit Bansal as judges in the Delhi High Court, the Ministry of Law and Justice said on Monday."A notification in this regard was issued today by the Department of Justice," the .
Delhi HC gets 2 new judges, Kerala HC 4 additional judges ANI | Updated: Feb 22, 2021 21:35 IST
New Delhi [India], February 22 (ANI): Two new judges have been appointed in Delhi High Court, while the Kerala High Court on Monday got four new Additional Judges.
The President of India on Monday has appointed Jasmeet Singh and Amit Bansal as the Judges of the Delhi High Court from the date they assume charge. A notification in this regard was issued today by Department of Justice.
The President of India also appointed Murali P, Ziyad Rahman, K. Babu
and Dr. Kauser Edappagath as the Additional Judges of the Kerala High Court, for a period of two years with effect from the date they assume charge of their respective offices.