The official theme song of this summer’s Euro 2020 competition was released in May - with DJ Martin Garrix, U2 frontman Bono and The Edge collaborating for the song
Tickets are now on sale for the SLO Repertory Theatre's upcoming production, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare [abridged], which opens on Friday, June 18,. Support Community Press You can show your support of a vibrant and healthy free press by becoming a voluntary subscriber. Subscribe Now The Friends of the Marble Falls Library board honored Jane Knapik (center) for her years of dedication and service to the library during a ceremony Wednesday, May 26. The board presented her with an apple to go on the tree of supporters in the library. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
When Jane Knapik arrived in Marble Falls about 23 years ago, she began making a difference right away in local history and literary organizations, including the Friends of the Marble Falls Library.