Slow walkers keep ruining my day
October 4, 2011
It’s 8:45 a.m. and I have exactly 15 minutes to walk from my house to class. The sun is shining, birds are chirping and the sweet smell of autumn fills the air. The day is crisp and clear and I am in full stride now, walking briskly and happily to an exam I haven’t studied for.
In the near distance I see it: a student lagging directly ahead of me, feet dragging along the pavement like dead carcasses. His pants sag as he listens to music through one ear-bud, yawning lazily as if the very world itself were running on his schedule. Zombie? No: a slow walker.
Research shows immediate phase of blood vessel restructuring after aneurysm
Hitting a pothole on the road in just the wrong way might create a bulge on the tire, a weakened spot that will almost certainly lead to an eventual flat tire. But what if that tire could immediately begin reknitting its rubber, reinforcing the bulge and preventing it from bursting?
That s exactly what blood vessels can do after an aneurysm forms, according to new research led by the University of Pittsburgh s Swanson School of Engineering and in partnership with the Mayo Clinic. Aneurysms are abnormal bulges in artery walls that can form in brain arteries. Ruptured brain aneurysms are fatal in almost 50% of cases.
Anne Robertson, from Sundays River Valley, South Africa . The playful animals were seen climbing over each other during their antics at Addo Elephant park last month. Lee-Anne said: I thought he was adorable, just like any baby. He was full of .