Take a look at the Bayou City, frozen over by this winter storm.
While Houston continues to deal with the power issues that have come up because of the historic winter storm that roared across Texas on Sunday, we at
Houstonia wanted to get a better look at how all of this snow and ice is affecting the city itself. So we asked photographers Anthony Rathbun and Daniel Kramer to send their drones up and take a look, and the resulting breathtaking views of this town, frozen, do not disappoint. Â
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Zachary Sutton stands facing a digital temperature reader. Houston Food Bank volunteers must first do temperature checks before further entry into the building. This is the first step in part of focused efforts to ensure the safety of volunteers and staff.
Nicole Barrett takes a turn washing her hands as she and other volunteers safely prepare for their day. Sinks are marked to help maintain social distance. Numerous hand sanitizer stations have been added, in addition to ones already in use. Volunteers also take gloves with them to further maintain safety protocols.