Keeping Oshawa safe
Posted on April 9, 2021 by oshawaexpress in CITY, NEWS
The City of Oshawa has launched a new campaign to encourage the reporting of safety concerns in the community.
The campaign, “If you see it, report it!” supports the mandate of the Mayor’s Task Force on Community Safety, Security and Wellbeing and its focus on community action for community solutions.
It aims to “empower and educate residents, businesses and community organizations on the importance of taking action and reporting safety-related concerns, such as bylaw infractions related to public nuisance and criminal activity,” according to the city.
“The City of Oshawa and Task Force are encouraging community members to be part of the solution,” says Oshawa Mayor Dan Carter. “We all have a role to play and by working together, we are building a better community for everyone.”
Planning to begin for city’s 100th anniversary celebrations
City announces members of community centennial committee
Posted on February 9, 2021 by oshawaexpress in COMMUNITY, COMMUNITY
The City of Oshawa has started to plan for its 100
th anniversary celebrations in 2024.
Members of the city’s community centennial committee will work over the next four years to provide input, collaborate, plan and execute the city’s 100
th anniversary events, activities and initiatives that will take place in 2024.
“It will certainly be exciting anticipating what project or projects our Community Centennial Committee will come up with,” says Councillor Rick Kerr, chair of the community services committee. “We are certainly represented by a capable and diverse group of citizens who, I’m sure, are equally excited about their upcoming efforts.”
Task Force on community safety holds first meeting
Discussion included issues surrounding Oshawa’s downtown
Posted on February 4, 2021 by oshawaexpress in CITY, NEWS
The inaugural meeting of the mayor’s new task force on community safety, security and well-being saw discussion on the need to address issues in the city’s downtown.
The virtual meeting, held on Jan. 29, includes Mayor Dan Carter, Regional and City Councillor Bob Chapman (task force chair), and representatives from Durham Regional Police Services, Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, social service agencies, local business community, community partners, and residents.
Members discussed addressing downtown issues using a broad and holistic approach, the city’s current bylaws related to safety, how residents and businesses can report safety and security related incidents, and the importance of ongoing proactive communications.
New task force to look at community safety
Posted on January 27, 2021 by oshawaexpress in CITY, NEWS
By Courtney Bachar/The Oshawa Express/LJI Reporter
The mayor has announced a new task force aimed at addressing community safety, security and wellbeing issues in the city.
Chaired by Deputy Mayor Bob Chapman, the task force plans to address key issues in multiple phases, starting with the city’s downtown.
“We’re looking to engage with people in the downtown and to hear their concerns,” says Chapman. “And then determine how can we help improve some of those concerns and what can we do to help make people feel safer in their home community.”