Read more about Transfer money available in PACL s group entities account to us: Sebi on Business Standard. In a bid to recover investors money, Sebi has ordered banks to transfer to its account all the money available in the bank accounts of 640 group entities of PACL Ltd by Wednesday.
By Steve Knupp
May 27, 2021
From Arts Council FB page: Great news for Court Square Theater fans! Along with the joy of declining COVID-19 cases, here’s something else to cheer about: the Arts Council of the Valley (ACV) Board of Directors has voted to reopen Court Square Theater, after suspending operations in July 2020. This encouraging word comes with a request for patience, as ACV upgrades the theater ventilation system (including installation of air purifiers); hires a managing director to oversee the reopening; and works on plans for a major gifts campaign to provide the big bucks needed to sustain a nonprofit theater. It’s too soon to know exactly when the doors will reopen; visit for updates.
By Steve Knupp
May 27, 2021
The Blue Ridge Area Food Bank is helping Augusta Health prescribe nutritious, wholesome food for patients living with diabetes. Through a new on-site food pantry, eligible patients at Augusta Health s Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology who need food assistance now have access to nutritious foods that can help them better manage their health condition. Read More HERE
Washington National Guard Helps With Food Bank Distribution As Joblessness Rises