Healthy Lunch project to the summer of 2020, with the aim of
providing food for dozens of children at the school who, when classes closed for the holidays, were left without food.
Now, “the situation of the children we work with, some of whom are literally starving, has led us to extend the project”, says the organisation.
Alianza Solidaria collaborates with the Healthy Lunch project, sending food aid for hundreds of children in Haiti. / Alianza Solidaria
No food at home
According to Richard, “the 663 children who go to school right now
come without breakfast, and when they go home they don t have any food either”.
When male fruit flies go without food for 24 hours, they get hangry and become aggressive towards other males, lunging at each other and fencing with their legs
Lockdown restrictions have been undermined by a series of government decisions aimed at bolstering its political position and promoting business activity.