Debate on safety of new GMOs moves to Council
LATEST VIDEOS Debate on safety of new GMOs moves to Council Details
Ministers to discuss controversial agbiotech industry-friendly Commission report which fails to follow European Court of Justice ruling
European agriculture ministers will discuss the future of a new generation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), starting tomorrow. These key discussions are the lead-up to a decision on whether or not new GMOs should be subject to safety checks or labelling before being allowed on the EU market.
On the agenda of tomorrow’s agriculture council is a study released by the European Commission in April which suggests that there are strong indications that the current 2001 GMO legislation is not fit for purpose for some NGTs [ new genomic techniques ] and their products , and proposes a new consultation process to rewrite the laws.[1]
24 may 2021 - 09:56:07 MA Panafrican News Agency
WFP, Crisis Group partner to strengthen conflict prevention
Rome, Italy (PANA) - The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has signed a Strategic Partnership with global conflict resolution organisation, the International Crisis Group, in order to boost its conflict sensitivity and prevention capacity as it continues to deliver life-saving food to the world’s most vulnerable people