BOSTON — Taliban websites that delivered the victorious insurgents’ official messages to Afghans and the world at large in five languages have abruptly gone offline.
A stokvel event that was set to happen last weekend, which was aimed at mothers and children and sharing information about infant feeding. The event was slammed by nutrition and children health experts saying that this event which was one of many marketing events was being labeled as a "Stokvel Mom and Child forum". The experts who mentioned that child nutrition has been an issue in our country for a long time but now has worsened due to the pandemic. They had concerns that caregivers would use the Nestlé products that were being marketed in a watered down manner to stretch the contents and therefore save money, and the effects would be detrimental to the children.
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and economic emergency, the Biden administration just announced the largest increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits in the program’s history.