Frederic Seaman, the former assistant of the late
John Lennon. The legal dispute between the two of them has been ongoing for 40 years.
Way baack to the early 80s Yoko discovered that Seaman had taken possession of Lennon s diaries, photographs, fan letters and previously unreleased recordings.
Seaman pleaded guilty to second-degree larceny and was ordered return those items to Lennon’s estate. It later came to light in the ‘90s that Seaman hadn’t returned them.He also published a book,
The Last Days of John Lennon, which included what were alleged as “factually inaccurate” claims.
Yoko sued Seaman back in 1999.They settled in 2003 after Seaman returned the items and promised to no discuss Lennon again.
Yoko Ono has informed a federal judge in New York that she has reached a settlement with her late husband John Lennon 's former personal assistant tha.
Yoko Ono has informed a federal judge in New York that she has reached a settlement with her late husband John Lennon 's former personal assistant tha.
Yoko Ono has informed a federal judge in New York that she has reached a settlement with her late husband John Lennon 's former personal assistant tha.