1. Here’s the latest company to give you a nice little bonus for getting vaccinated. Between now and May 15th, you can get a free Sam Adams beer for getting vaccinated.
You just have to buy a Sam Adams at a bar and send them a photo of your vaccination sticker, bandage, or card and they’ll send you $7 to cover it.
2. A volcano erupted in the Caribbean country St. Vincent on Friday . . . and only people who have gotten the Covid vaccine can evacuate. That’s because the other countries nearby are afraid to take in unvaccinated people.
3. A woman attacked an employee at a Dunkin’ Donuts using the tip jar last week for asking her to put on a mask.
Actor and former pro wrestler
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has been teasing for some time that he might want to run for president one day, and now he’s reacting after a Piplsay poll of more than 30,000 Americans out last week found that 46 percent said they’d support the idea of him making a White House run. Johnson tweeted on Friday (April 9th), “Not sure our Founding Fathers ever envisioned a six-four, bald, tattooed, half-Black, half-Samoan, tequila drinking, pick up truck driving, fanny pack wearing guy joining their club. But if it ever happens it’d be my honor to serve the people.” The 48-year-old also spoke about the possibility back in February, saying in a
On April 1st, Heinz and Ocean Spray tweeted a picture of a new product called “Cravy” . . . which is a jar of pinkish-brown cranberry-flavored gravy. It seemed like an April Fools’ joke playing off Heinz’s new obsession with mashups like Mayochup or Kranch. But they say it was for REAL. Maybe. They’ve left it up to a Twitter poll: If 250,000 people say they should make this, they will.
The voting ends Thursday and so far, they’re not CLOSE to the votes. About two-thirds of people are voting against it, and it’s only about one-third of the way to 250,000