brokers. i didn t ask data brokers. ñ qok the data for your own purposes. would you commitozto not sellin data to anyone? i actually am in support of some rules. i asked you whether the not selling data to anyonexd an just using it for its own purposes internally. 2i■ can get back to you on th details of that. okay. get back to me.xd another thing that sxd in our bl says that we wouldlpfá prohibit targeting marketing to people under the age of 17.t( e willing to agree to( prohibit targeted marketing to people, americansqñ@tnder the a os( 17?ñi congressman, we have actually stricter rules for advertisers in terms of what they can show to usersq under the age of 18. çó would youlp be willing to prohibitq targeted marketing to those under 17, that s what s in our ñibill. i understand there s some talk and legislation aroundok this, around the country. again, i wanted you to make thatfá commitment without the