we haven t armed the rebels yet, but word is from a mccain-graham meeting, the president plans on boosting aid there rapidly. kelly wright has the developing details. the wall street journal writes even though the president pledged to do this earlier, he hasn t given them a gun yet, but that will change. brian, that s supposedly going to change, according to an agreement that the president has made with senators lindsey graham and john mccain. president obama continued to push for pushing rather, for getting support from members of congress to give authorization for a u.s. military strike against syria. that video that you were just showing, by the way, shows how the conflict on the ground continues, supposedly free syrian army fighters were celebrating, taking down a syrian air force jet on monday. that video, which has not been independent confirmed by fox news, was obtained apparently from a social media web site. meantime, getting back to the president, he is relying on the t
for it and they went ahead with mammograms. with men when they said no p.s.a. s, everybody said okay. sound good to me. it s important to remind men out there that this is a preventibleñi disease. 30,000 men die every year from this. absolutely not necessary. get tested. get screened. if there are issues, we re available to give a second or third opinion. brian: you don t have to separate between men s issues and women s issues, what s more important and more expensive. you re stating a fact. 70% of health care decisions are made by women. that is a compliment to them. they reçó involved. they follow through, they do the research and want the best for their health. we want the same for men. that s the purpose of last week s segment. brian: how many surgeries today? today i m seeing patients. tomorrow i have five. brian: what a schedule. 12 minutes before the top of the hour.
phil can you close your new phone box, we re picking up some feedback. every time you re ready to upgrade. having what you want on the 4glte network you rely on. that s powerful. upgrade to the droid ultra by motorola with 0 down payment. brian: president obama weighing on congressional waiting on congressional approval. meanwhileñi the syrian government mocks what it called an historic american retreat. is this making america look weak? eneralnews analystbm jack keane. are you more optimistic the president has a more robust response after talking to the two senators yesterday? i think that s a fair assessment. guarded optimism i think is the way i would describe what the senators told me. they believe the military intervention is going to be more robust than what they
brian: now your fox news alert. republican senator lindsey graham sending a strong message to america on america s involvement in syria. listen. mr. president, clear the air. be decisive, be firm about why it matters to us as a nation to get syria right. brian: is the president ready to be decisive and firm or is there a lack of leadership from the white house? steve: joining us is author and conservative columnist ann coulter. good morning to you. by the way, her book just came out in paperback. thank you. steve: what do you think of the president now dealing in congress, hey, you guys decide? right. surprisingly enough, even the new york times headline on this was president drags congress into box of his own making. what republicans ought to be able to vote on in congress is whether they can invent a time machine, go back and not have obama issue an ultimatum on chemical weapons. i m really enjoying seeing all these liberals, the utter, utter
down. maybe it caught him just right. there is some footage of that. his jaw was open. he was aghast that this woman was about to strike him of the then they strikes him anna: actually, it was pretty good. anna: zinging him on the ear is what really messes him up. i don t know about the broken jaw aspect of it. i took a defense course. they say zing them in the ear. you leave your arm lymph limp and go like that. brian: that s good to know. also, just don t hit him. women shouldn t be hittingn sho. does maria feel differently? it depends. do we know why she did that? steve: her boyfriend s car was bumped. oh, i think it was right. steve: really? i m just kidding. terrible. now with cameras on your phones, now you got that on video on the