it is a simple blood test. go to a you re roll gist and get go to a urologist ani getñi checked. it is a preventible test and men need to getw3 tested. brian: for men it s skin, lung and prostate cancer, the three big ones that hit men? ñr women are extremely proactive. they go for their screening. they get the[r pap smears and mammograms and men, they don t really like to go toq doctors. it s not a good they think. if you know the p.s.a., you can prevent it and save lives. brian: you re offering every year during the month ofñr september we ve had people that view fox news viewers and others, if you re diagnosed with prostate cancer, you can send your information, go to my facebook, et cetera, get in touch with us. free of charge for the month of september we ve been able to help them and give the consultation and
[ laughter ] but if you think about it, if you cast somebody that everybody is familiar with, they go, i didn t really see brad pitt as grey. anna: i bet this movie will be so big, these people may end up being typecast forever. brian: henry winkler is always the fonz. steve: in the beginning of these franchises, the people were nobody. harrison ford, who heard of him? the list goes on. who would you like to see? pretend they didn t already cast these two as the stars in fifty shades of grey. who would you like to see as the guy and the gal? e-mail us. brian: what was your favorite part? be specific, of the book. anna: that could get a little too kinky for tuesday morning. brian: i would like to know what people like about the book cause i have not read it. anna: you know what? guys love this book, even though it s more popular among the women. steve: the headlines should tell you. fit to be tied.
had expected. that the focus of it will be not just on deterring the use of chemical weapons but degrading assad s military capacity level. and i think many of us certainly have an advocacy for that. they will concentrate on chemical weapons delivery systems, rockets and artillery will be harder to get to because you can move those around and obviously he s doing that. airfields, airplanes and logistical infrastructure that supports air power will be much easier to get to. then the other thing, it s going to be complemented by an upgrade in support for the moderate opposition forces, training, assistance, funding and some arms.ñi yet undefined what they mean by arms. but i think overall that sçó somewhat encouraging because that moves the momentum then towards the opposition forces. brian: you ve done a lot of work, as much as anyone i know about who are these so-called rebels. what are txer factions andñr what numbers they are. z mójjt
anna: good morning. the beginning of a short week week, it s tuesday, september 3, 2013. i m anna kooiman in for gretchen carlson. in a few hours, lawmakers will make their case to congress, speaking on action in syria. this as the president wants to give even more advanced weapons to syrian rebels. we re live from washington next. brian: yep. possibly the most anticipated movie, casting of all time. ever. it s just released. who will play christian and anastasia in fifty shades of grey the movie. you ll be surprised. not by the ending. steve: there you go. and has this ever happened to you during a big interview? my name is cheryl. you can call me cheryl. thank you so much again, carol. it was such a pleasure to meet you. i look forward to hearing from you. nice to meet you.
critics of president obama, meet with him yesterday for an hour and come out and say we got to back the president s decree and allow him the freedom to attack. is there a chance when you get your briefing that you ll change your mind? it s certainly possible. people are leaving the door open for the president to make the case. it s why i m in washington today, to receive the classified briefing from the administration. but at tnot see congress having a change of heart. i think people are very reticent with a president that s not showing leadership in support of our military. certainly hasn t shown leadership in this conflict to suddenly vote to have the united states become engaged. brian: i notice this quote and part of a quote fromever dempsey earlier says our military force is so degraded and unready, it would be immoral to use force. he has changed his tune, but has welcomed a delay, at least until september 9 when you guys officially come back from vacation. thanks so much.