you prosecuted the blind shake, first world trade center bombing. yes, sean, not only that, a lot of the people players in this i know them for 20 or 30 years. a lot of it is unpleasant. sean: is the same people, would you first of all agree that hillary frankly it was rigged, committed felonies, do you have any doubt about that? no, i don t. i thought it was rigged from the beginning. i think that once president obama in particular laid out what i think is a contorted construction of the espionage statute, which is what they investigated her under, that was, i mean, look at the fact that they investigated trump for conveying signals with respect to flynn on that theory. you know, what obama did was basically say he didn t want mrs.�clinton prosecuted and he laid out a theory of the espionage act that i don t think
cooked comey is under investigation, for mishandling classified information ironically the very crime he exonerated hillary clinton over. none of this is normal. james comey s fbi is in ruins, watch this. mr.�horowitz james comey, andy mccabe deputy director, jim baker, fbi counsel lisa page and peter strzok are six important people at the fbi, right? correct. they were the key players on the clinton investigation and on the russian investigation, correct? they were certainly important on both. has mr.�comey been fired? yes. has mr.�mccabe been fired. yes. did mr.�mccabe lie under oath. in our view, yes. is there a criminal referral. i won t comment on that. has general counsel jim baker left the fbi. yes. was he removed from his position prior to leaving the fbi. i m not sure.
mr.�mayor, i have to do my job, you know. you don t to have mock me for doing my job. thanks for being with us. when we come back, ed henry with a live report from the white house, two major stories we re following and more as we continue straight ahead on hannity. you won t see these folks at the post office they have businesses to run they have passions to pursue how do they avoid trips to the post office?
witch hunt. the very same people. let s talk about it being tainted from the get go. and whether or not it s illegitimate from the get go. i believe this investigation is very, very close to being able to be thrown out. anything they do, including the manafort indictment, cling the pursuit� including the pursuit of mr.�cohen and any process they would issue to president of the united states. they re in jeopardy of having the whole thing thrown out on the fact that strzok began it. strzok began it with total bias. they have never produced any evidence of anything. and they re at the point where they have a group of people, undetermined how many, who have an equal amount of bias against the president. they have been working on this for a year and a half. and they have nothing. there is no evidence of collusion. let me emphasize this, president trump said from the beginning, i did nothing wrong. i did not collude, whatever the heck that means, with the russians. i never tal
watch this. the infamous texts from peter strzok saying we will stop president trump from taking office, which we received on the day of your report s release, is a prime example. this text was revealed to you late in your interview as well as i understand. do you believe this text shows political bias? i think as we found it clearly shows a biased state of mind. do you believe the political bias shown by this text, had an effect on the initiation of the russia investigatio i think as you know, mr.�chairman, that s a matter we have under review and are looking at right now. more to be determined. more to be determined. the time proximity, as mr.�gowdy pointed out, is significant. correct. and in fact there are other text messages in roughly the same time period. sean: unbelievable. now we ll have more on that huge development in a minute. first take a look at this clip