george says that it gives all airlines the all-clear to jack up their fees because that is what spirit does, and george is with us now. george, i got to tell you. i went to spirit s web site and it s absolutely nuts. you can carry on a back for 26 or pay 50 tuesday for the airport, the second bag is 100 bucks. you want to talk about à la carte, it s nuts. a real shakedown operation. and, charles, they re extremely profitable and they re stock has gone up 15 %. the truce its they have very, very cheap fairs, sometimes 0% cheaper than american airlines but they get you with the fees. they re not the only ones. in 2012, airlines made $2.6 billion everytime we had to change our reservation, and
and they don t charge you a talk to them. they call you on the phone. there s another side to this coin. airlines for decades have been unprofitable. man money losers. now they re making serious money and the stock prices are going up. i want a profitable airline business. i want à la carte pricing but i want to be informed and i don t want hidden fees. i want everybody to twitter tweet us at team cavuto. we want your opinion on this one. last one. going back to travel agents. i don t believe it. consumers are. more and more they re going back, because if you think about it, booking a cruise, look at the cruise news. is it a safe vacation alternative? it s going to cost me 5 than. aim going to throw the credit card in and hope for the best room or make sure i get the best room? tweeters-everybody. team cavuto.
for a thousand channels. and it all goes into the human huge bill and cable providers trying to be more responsive because their fleeing in droves, going to netflix, but they want to bundle things together. you mentioned apple and netflix. shows like howard of cards i was watching it last night. i have my apple tv. 795 a month i d pay just for that. absolute limp that how more people are watching twit, à la carte. they re going to both something like roku or apple tv, going through netflix, and they re streaming television and that s what cable and satellite are battling. they re trying to stop people from fleeing. it s tough. there are 27.5 million subscribers to netflix. that number is rising.
360,000 new homes in 2012. analysts say it s an indication more folks are going online to watch their favorite shows. duh, and now we re learning cable providers could be taking new steps to add customers, which could many a potentially smaller monthly bill. what changes are we talking about. not à la carte? no. it s all about bundling, which is when viacom sells sells you d also chev you vh2 and vh3 and classic. fox news. i m on fox business. so people are watching the five and goes to commercial, maybe they come over to money with mel lace and watch that. that s what bundling is. but a result is people now have a thousand channels and research shows they only watch five or team. so people are saying i m paying