Keep animal sanctuaries safe
The issue: Animal sanctuaries.
Our view: We hope the warring parties over the Zziwa Rhino Sanctuary can come to a mutual agreement to sustain the life of the rhinos, and in a way that keeps the animals safe.
And that the terms of the sustenance of other sanctuaries in the country have been well-documented and abided by in order to avoid similar problems.
An animal sanctuary is a place where animals, are brought to be kept and protected for the rest of their lives. As the name suggests, the place needs to be peaceful, well preserved for them to be settled in comfortably, and protected.
UWA to shift white rhinos trapped in sanctuary fight
Tuesday April 20 2021
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary that is located about 176kms North of Kampala City, was established in 2006 as a protected area for re-introduction of the rear White Rhino family that had become extinct in Uganda.
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is a home to 33 Rhinos re-introduced in Uganda through a breed and release programme supervised by the Uganda Wildlife but managed by the Rhino Fund Uganda in Nakasongola District.
The Uganda Wild Life Authority (UWA) has taken over security of the endangered White Rhinos species at the Nakasongola-based Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary due to unending disagreements between the two parties managing the country’s sole Rhino sanctuary.