good enthusiastic for those looking for work. eric: we certainly hope that will be the case. thanks, jamie. it s the beginning of the end. nasa now beginning to wrap up its shuttle program. can you believe that? only four launches remaining including the launch scheduled for tomorrow morning of the space shuttle discovery , but fear not. plans are already being made for the schulze once they re shuttling once they re retired, and that could mean you could actually sit in a shuttle. why and where? we ll have the details coming up. as the weather warms, walgreens and the makers of zyrtec. want to make sure allergies don t always have to keep you cooped up inside. that s why we re making it easier for everyone to find allergy solutions. by offerg products like new zyrtec liquid gels. zyrtec, the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine, is now available in a liquid gel. zyrtec liquid gels work on your worst symptoms. indoors and out. you ll also get the expert aice of your walgreens pharma
that s why we re here. want to make sure allergies don t always have to keep you cooped up inside. that s why we re making it easier for everyone to find allergy solutions. by offerg products like new zyrtec liquid gels. zyrtec, the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine, is now available in a liquid gel. zyrtec liquid gels work on your worst symptoms. indoors and out. you ll also get the expert aice of your walgreens pharmacist. so you ll feel freer to love the air. walgreens. there s a way to stay well.
thank you for the assessment. thank you very much, mike. before he hits the greens at the masters tiger woods will stand before the media, but what will he tell them. that s why we re making it easier for everyone to find allergy solutions. by offering products like new zyrtec liquid gels. zyrtec, the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine, is now available in a liquid gel. zyrtec liquid gels work on your worst symptoms. indoors and out. you ll also get the expert advice of your walgreens pharmacist. so you ll feel freer to love the air. walgreens. there s a way to stay well. so you ll feel freer to love the air. these are actual farmers who raise vegetables in campbell s condensed soup. so if you ve ever wondered who grew my soup, well, here they are. so many, many reasons it s so m m! m m! good!
( singing high note ) that should do it. enjoy your new shower. ( door opens, closes ) want to make sure allergies don t always have to keep you cooped up inside. that s why we re making it easier for everyone to find allergy solutions. by offerg products like new zyrtec liquid gels. zyrtec, the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine, is now available in a liquid gel. zyrtec liquid gels work on your worst symptoms. indoors and out. you ll also get the expert aice of your walgreens pharmacist. so you ll feel freer to love the air. walgreens. there s a way to stay well.
and then this. thousands of americans are already lined up this morning. thape are ready to get the latest ipad. is it worth it and worth your money? we ll tell you. and why is this kid going to be so sad? his dad told him he is not a single lady. buddy, i am sorry. i am so sorry. to make sure alles don t always have to keep you cooped up inside. that s why we re making it easier for everyone to find allergy solutions. by offerg products like new zyrtec liquid gels. zyrtec, the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine, is now available in a liquid gel. zyrtec liquid gels work on your worst symptoms. indoors and out. you ll also get the expert aice of your walgreens pharmacist.