Youre at 2,000, three questions in. Well take a quick break. When we come back, well get her to that 5,000 threshold. Thats next. [dramatic music] michael im thankful that im alive and have a second chance. James im thankful for the help and the opportunity that i received. Darlene im thankful to be able to help people in crisis. Vanessa im thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. Christie new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. But if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know we are here for you. This holiday season, choose help. Call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj. Gov. [dramatic music] welcome back to millionaire. Audrey watkinsfox. Were just getting going in this game. We got ways to go, but youre at 2,000 already. Youre playing a good game. You have all your lifelines. But if were gonna get to the 1 million, we got 11 more questions. So lets get back to it. Lets. Lets play who wants to be a m
Was worth 5,000, right . Totally, yeah, psshh. All right. 7,000 is what this is worth. [dramatic musical flourish] dubbed breakfast for the 1 , a wall streetarea dennys offers the 300 grand cru slam, a normal meal with what expensive addition . Okay. Well, uh. I kind of have an idea of, uh. What this is, but im gonna go ahead and ask the audience. Final . Finalyeah. Okay. Audience, if you would, pick up those keypads. We could use your help. Enter your votes now. [percussive music] all right, richard, lets take a look at the results. [sighs sharply] 45 went beluga caviar. 38 b, dom perignon champagne. Okay, well what were you leaning towards . Uh, i was leaning towards b, but im notyou knowim gonna ask my uncle whos my plus one. Y help me with this. Thats called burying the lead. Hes a chef . Yeah. I would, but i thought maybe the audience could help. I probably burned that one, but its okay. Its all right. Final . Yeah, final. All right, chef, get down here. How are you doing . Hi, ho