Netra News hired an individual named Zulkarnain Saer Khan aka Tanvir Mohammad Sadat Khan aka Zulkarnain Saer Khan Sami as its “Researcher-Contractual” despite the fact of Khan’s no past experience in journalism.
It may be mentioned here that, Zulkarnain Saer Sami does not have any past journalistic experience. Before being deported from Hungary on numerous allegations including involvement in drug trafficking and running prostitution racket Zulkarnain Saer Khan, bearing Bangladeshi passport number BJ-0520260 was arrested on July 21, 2006 when he stole several mobile phones from a Dhaka store by pretending as an officer of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and a case number 43, was lodged under section 140, 170, 171, 419, 465, 467, 461 and 472 of the Bangladesh Penal Code. | BLiTZ