The non-parliamentary party the Estonian Greens collected â¬3,866 donations and â¬3,590 in membership in the fourth quarter of 2020.
The biggest donation, â¬1.000, was given by a real estate entrepreneur Olaf Herman. Priit Truusalu paid â¬144 of a membership fee and donated â¬500. Chairwoman of the party, Züleyxa Izmailova, donated â¬215.
The outgoings of the party in the fourth quarter were â¬1,626, from which, the economic costs were â¬1,526 and political costs â¬100. The party did not have labor costs.
Their activity as a whole in 2020 reached a net gain of â¬16,744, and income was â¬24,847 and outgoings â¬8,103. A year before, the party had a net loss of â¬27,974.
The party has 907 members.