Vindictive, vengeful rage, jeff bezos, jack dorsey, tim cook and apple with her unprincipled a century purge. These people say they want to unite the country. On wednesday the country was united and utterly condemning the violence and chaos in the capital riots. Now thanks to pelosi, bezos, dorsey, zuckerberg and cook everyone is back in their tribal camps, nice work guys. The establishment may think they can get rid of trump but they cant get rid of the 75 million americans who voted for him and they cant get rid of the multiracial workingclass coalition he assembled and the movement he builds and the ideas he champions and right now after all that is happened those people, that movement who believe in these ideas still back trump. We have to understand why. Trumps critics say he has no empathy and that is so often the case they are guilty of the exact same thing they accuse others of. Some of us reject violence, hate intolerance, disrespect unconditionally. Its all wrong wherever it