this is a miss for obama education secretary ernie duncan who like the president has decided to send his children to private schools. this wouldn t be a very big deal except for the fact that both duncan and obama are adamant opponents of school choice private school vouchers for poor kids. so i think we have a little bit of a hypocrisy going on here. ted kennedy, the late senator, from massachusetts was also a proponent of public schools for other people. he never found one good enough for his own children. okay. dan? well this is a big miss for federal judge gerald bruce lee who ruled this week that washington redskins can no longer claim the redskins logo as a protected trade mark. he said it zparnlgdisparages inldian. every indian logo is out there to be positive. the next one coming though i know what it s going to be. the animal rights people are going to challenge the chicago cubs logo. the poor little furry bears.