Norman Issa Talks About the Need to Provide More Platforms for Arab Voices in Israel, and What Israeli Jews and Arabs Have in Common: ‘We’re Two Societies Motivated by Fear’
3rd February 2021
The Telegraph reports that hundreds of pro-democracy protestors were arrested last night in Istanbul. Protests have been ongoing for over a month, but this week they focused on the appointment of Melihu Bulu as the new rector of BoÄaziçi University. Bulu was appointed in early January without any consultation with the universityâs faculty or administration, which caused anger across the student population. Some students suggested Bulu is responsible for the escalation in violence towards the protestors. This week protestors were hit with plastic bullets and pepper spray.
The Independent reports that Turkeyâs Interior Minister called the protesting students âLGBT pervertsâ on his twitter, prompting the company to limit access to his profile.
As Netanyahu woos Arab vote, political rivals follow suit
In-depth: The latest trend of inclusion is a far cry from the campaigns of just a year ago, in which nearly all parties running for Knesset denounced the Joint List as terrorist sympathizers and ruled out any political cooperation
The Media Line |
Published: 01.22.21 , 19:06
Israel’s fourth election in two years is fast approaching, and among the most notable changes in the current political landscape, compared with previous rounds, aםppears to be the willingness of the Zionist parties, on the right, left, and center of the political spectrum, to embrace and accept non-Zionist Arab parties as legitimate partners in future coalitions.