The Associated Student Government passed legislation supporting the Pride House — an initiative for LGBTQ+ affinity housing on campus — on May 15 in a milestone for the LGBTQ+ student community on campus. The discussions toward implementing a Pride House have been ongoing for around five years, said Gender and Sexuality Resource Center Director Matt.
The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center, NU’s Society of Trans and Non-Binary Students, and Rainbow Alliance are crowdsourcing information from transgender students about transitioning at NU. The information will be used to create a guide to aid current and future transgender students. On the crowdsourcing form, which was released Mar. 8, submissions remain anonymous. The.
In this special episode, Daily Northwestern reporter Anita Li travels into unknown territory –– the University of Chicago. Along with The Chicago Maroon’s Chief Podcast Editor Gregory Caesar, they talk about school stereotypes, libraries and grapes. ANITA LI: This podcast contains explicit language. [CTA SOUNDS] ANITA LI: This is Anita Li from the.