the law as a result of this pardon. at the end of the day, it s a part of the system and a constitutional check and the president has been following this case and he never believed it was right to prosecute the sheriff. victoria and reynado, the washington post is detailing in the report that the president met with the attorney general to try to get the case scrapped. and then we have arpaio being convicted 26 days ago and accepting the pardon. as a former prosecutor, does this pass the judicial smell test? wow. well, i don t know about the smell test. what i ll say is this. i think the attempt by the
you accept a pardon, you re saying that you re guilty and yet what is going on is this man is against the law and this is not how it s supposed to zork victoria, as a professor and helping to train future legal minds, do you tell students that a pardon is an admission of guilt? yes. there s a question of the constitutionality of it and the president was within his purview of doing that but then what precedent does this set for other sheriffs across the country, for other lawmakers. all right. i m not going to turn you into a weather reporter, although i see the rain behind you there. so we ll save that for later. i appreciate it. thank you very much. appreciate it. coming up, we re going to bring you the latest information on harvey. a tropical storm right now.
but then by the time we hit wednesday, winds are still at 35 miles per hour and produce a lot of rain and with that repetition of rain, again, today, tomorrow, monday, all the way through wednesday. a lot of rain on the way here to cause major flooding and we re watching for that as well. past amounts, looking at 13 inches. we ve got galveston at 6.81 and austin at 4.67 inches. the most is 40 inches in the heaviest spots. victoria could be one of them. we re keeping a close eye on the storm and we ll follow it all night long for. you we ve been following that for the last 24 hours. shanna, thank you so much. we ll talk later in this hour. we want to talk about the hurricane of headlines that came out of the white house yesterday with the presidential pardon of a man once called america s toughest sheriff. to some, former arizona sheriff