Como parte del apoyo de la empresa Ultimate Warrior Challenge México (UWC) hacia el peleador Brandon “Assassin Baby” Moreno, ha subido a su canal de You Tube…
reporter: that s the volcano that we affectionatally call e-15, e for the first letter and the next 15 letters that are hard for english speakers to pronounce. to the left of this is another one in the distance, called katla, which is a much more powerful volcano historically when it erupts and the president of iceland caused some controversy this week when he said this volcano is a dress rehearsal for katla. it angered tourism officials because they re scared it will people from coming. but katla has had much more frequent eruptions than this one, and coincidentally, we re not sure if it s a coincidence or they cause each other to erupt but they happened at the same time several times over the last few centuries, so there are people worried that katla could erupt because of the eruption of this one and in a worst-case scenario there is so much glacial water inside six times the amount of water in the am zone river, it could cause