toth tooth paste then. and if we had better profiling, screening, i would not be afraid to fly. you want better profiling? racial profiling? yes, that s what the israelis have been doing for decades. no, they professional their passengers as to background, beliefs, political activity, and likelihood of carrying weapons. who else is worried about flying because of what is going on. let s go back there, tell me why. well, i feel much more comfortable to fly with a well known airline, british airways, klm, because they have money to put to the security issues and they really have a kind of very well known. so not to do small airlines. just the fact these guys got on the plane with two stolen passports, that really scares me. stay with us, our special coverage of the missing flight 370 continues right after this. with at&t s new pricing for families
possible remnants of the possible missing plane. a bloody take over in crimea today. pro-russian forces storming ukraine again. this time taking their last military base. two officers shot. journalists beaten, we understand. we re watching that situation unfold overnight. welcome back to our kelly file special. the mystery of flight 370. for now. the focus of the search involves a patch of water more than a thousand miles from anywhere. that is just the beginning of this challenge. trace gallager has that part of our part. the reason they are focusing so heavily oint southern indian ocean is because there s no confirm of radar that it kept flying on a northward path. there s radar data that indicates that it was flying
not a radio call, not an emergency beacon, no may day call, no sign of trouble. that has resulted in a number of questions about these two men. we take a look at what we learned about the captain, the co-pilot and what was happening in that cockpit. reporter: one plane, 239 lives dependent on the character, judgment, and expertise of these pilots. deliberate or accident? what happened on flight 370 will always reflect on what these two men did or did not do. 53 year old captain, joined the airline in 1981. 18,000 hours of experience. he also built a home flight simulator. police later seized to retrieve files deleted on february 3. files which could show he practiced how to steal this plane or he may have simply cleaned his hard drive.
reason the signal wasn t sent. it may be the signal was sent but no one was listening, 1:20 in the morning over the pacific. in the case of payne stewart, no distress call either, just sound of alarm including one for loss of cabin pressure. what is behind the credibility of the zombie plane theory is whether or not you believe this is an investigation into the mechanical failure of this flight or the investigation into a criminal ac. the difference between whether you believe the crew or someone else switched off the aircraft system or they would have failed, which would have given everybody on board little time to respond or even survive. jim. so this new information there was no indication coming from the plane this turn was preprogrammed, does that increase the possibility of a zombie flight? does it add weight to that? it s interesting. i talked to aviation analyst. gives weight to the possibility there was a mechanical area.
to 26 and then. according to officials, they are telling me at least within the first 26 minutes of the flight the pilots were already changing the flight path. we now know that within those first 26 minutes, they had reprogrammed the flight plan and were already starting to turn west far before they even stienstien sign off with air traffic control. the reason why remains a mystery. malaysian authorities reveal the plane s communication system could have been shut down any time between 1:07 and 1:37 a.m. the total search area is now more than two million square nautical miles. the next day we learned that files had been deleted from the