Only 14 per cent of consumers in India would use 10-minute delivery platforms to get print-outs delivered at home, a report said on Monday, as Zomato-owned Blinkit recently started printout on demand service in the country.Of those willing to .
Nearly 6 per cent of respondents admitted to using printing facilities at their place of work and carrying printouts home while 3 per cent stated that they rarely needed to use a printer.
Reliance Industries' hyperlocal e-grocery service JioMart, which competes with Tata-owned Bigbasket and Zomato-owned Blinkit, went from strength to strength in FY22. Its merchant base now stands at 2 million.
Zomato-owned Blinkit has started a printout delivery service in select locations, and they are charging Rs 9 per page for black-and-white printouts and Rs 19 per page for coloured printouts.