Released in 2019, the original movie centred on six strangers who were tasked with outsmarting a bunch of deadly puzzles after signing up for a mysterious competition with a $10,000 prize.
According to director Adam Robitel, the new outing picks up right where its predecessor left off, with the last remaining survivors Ben (Miller) and Zoey (Russell) – who have
supposedly beaten their game – determined to expose the truth about Minos deadly escape rooms. What we re going to find out is that though we had an insular view in the first movie of just Zoey s story, what we re going to realise is that on any given day, there are multiple games happening all around the world, Robitel recently teased to
Assuming we can all go back to the theater again, we ve got tons of 2022 movies to look forward to, from action, adventure, and horror to romantic comedies and animated family films.