hometown this morning. we kind of have a lot of freedom doing the morning show. it was a lot of fun. we are limited to so many resources. so when a yo-yo champion passes through the area, pitches himself to the show, they jump on it. i do remember e-mails that were going back and forth through kyle and i with the company zip zim-zam productions. we thought it was a legitimate company. but when k. strass shows up on the set, the red flags start flying. he comes walking down the stairs getting ready to go on and i saw him and i was like his outfit. i ll never forget that yellow hat. those green shorts. the suspenders. not only is the outfit outlandish, but so is k. strass. so we went on the air and i thought he was for real. in the whole 2 1/2 years that i did the morning show, we never had a guest that wasn t legit.
i do remember e-mails that were going back and forth through kyle and i with the company zip zim-zam productions. we thought it was a legitimate company. but when k. strass shows up on the set, the red flags start flying. he comes walking down the stairs getting ready to go on and i saw him and i was like his outfit. i ll never forget that yellow hat. those green shorts. the suspenders. not only is the outfit outlandish, but so is k. strass. so we went on the air and i thought he was for real. in the whole 2 1/2 years that i did the morning show, we never had a guest that wasn t legit. yeah. you know, i go around, i have been teaching kids about the environment. actually, i have only been in one school so far and i ll be honest, it didn t go so hot. in fact, it was literally a major disaster. he started kind of going off on another tangent about how the kids weren t cooperating at a
i do remember e-mails that were going back and forth through kyle and i with the company zip zim-zam productions. we thought it was a legitimate company. but when k. strass shows up on the set, the red flags start flying. he comes walking down the stairs getting ready to go on and i saw him and i was like his outfit. i ll never forget that yellow hat. those green shorts. the suspenders. not only is the outfit outlandish, but so is k. strass. so we went on the air and i thought he was for real. in the whole 2 1/2 years that i did the morning show, we never had a guest that wasn t legit. yeah. you know, i go around, i have been teaching kids about the environment. actually, i have only been in one school so far and i ll be honest, it didn t go so hot. in fact, it was literally a major disaster. he started kind of going off on another tangent about how the kids weren t cooperating at a
right? i don t know why he puts that in there because i don t i don t juggle. to downright bizarre. i do one where it s all of my fingers. i shoot out with the left hand first. i m not yo-yoing but i m whirling and it gets going and makes a loud whirring or buzzing sound. too bad the good folks outside kansas city, missouri, missed that show. just a month later, they, too, will endure the kenny strasser experience. thanks for coming on. may, 2010. kyle martin and arion jenkins are the anchors and producers of hometown this morning. we kind of have a lot of freedom doing the morning show. it was a lot of fun. we are limited to so many resources. so when a yo-yo champion passes through the area, pitches himself to the show, they jump on it. i do remember e-mails that were going back and forth through kyle and i with the company zip zim-zam productions. we thought it was a legitimate