For Chief Minister KCR, Kamareddy is a second seat. While Revanth’s entry has forced former Cong minister Mohammed Ali Shabbir to contest from the Nizamabad Urban constituency, many party workers are now focusing on that constituency. BJP’s Venkataramana Reddy is the dark horse.
AP govt advisor appeals to stakeholders in Panchayat elections to avoid friction ANI | Updated: Jan 27, 2021 01:24 IST
Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh) [India], January 27 (ANI): Andhra Pradesh Government Advisor (Public Affairs) Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy on Tuesday appealed to all stakeholders in the upcoming gram panchayat polls to strive for unanimous elections to avoid friction and expenditure and make use of the incentives announced by the state government. Elders must sit together and sort out the issues as polls are being held on non-party basis, he told media, adding that the recently amended legislation has a provision for disqualification and jail term for any irregularities.