and the reactions of society and managing that can be as important as actually dealing with the epidemic itself. good afternoon ever abody. this is the third meeting of our task force on ebola. i m very worried to be honest. i can be outbreak to a war. riots are breaking out. as ebola continue said to spread, distrust. barbed wire. an isolation ward. hundred hads clashed with the police who fired live rounds and tear gas. we have used our own resources but obviously we have
so these certificates are go home and people are afraid to come around you, you can show this to them. this is evidence from the minister of health. you were treatd and now you are cured. okay. so on behalf of the ministry of health, you have successfully undergone care and treatment and after post treatment assessment, you are now declared free of ebola through medical examination in a confirmed laboratory test december 2014 and it s signed by you on behalf of the ministry of health. i want to present this
and that s the whole point. microbes emerge and reemerge. the critical issue is to prevent an outbreak from becometic an epidemic and then a pandemic. with vaccine development, you can blunt that spread. so people think prevent an outbreak. you re just not going to do that. there will be emergence of for example when we had ebola in africa, it start would a single case that spread to a few and because of missed opportunities it exploded. if the right proper public health measures had been taken early on, we would not have had an a pandemic. there have been isolated outbreaks of ebola in you gaundau. 24.
vaccine development, we know even less for flu than we know for ebola. so we need to have our universal flu vaccine soon. so everybody s working on that. can you show me the slides you have prepared. currently we create a new flu vaccine every year. adjusting it to the match the circulating strains of flu. it takes months to make that. what scientists are trying to develop is a universal flu vaccine, one that can work against all strains of flu. seasonal and pandemic. right now it takes nine months to develop a vaccine. that s too much time. if there s a pandemic, a lot of people will die before a vaccine s ready. like this? okay.
now? ebola is not only killing us, it s destroying all of our cultures and traditions and reducing our hope for the future. we are talking about the prevention of the emerging virus. it s three factors are important. immediate action. we re trying to find some small molecules or antibodies to inhab thet virus to enter the cells. the 21st century can be