EFT arms hand pack for T.H.A.P. (v.1.2) addon - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
Add addonReport EFT arms hand pack for T.H.A.P. (v.1.2) Description
A pack of hands from the game Escape From Tarkov that aims to replace some of the lower quality hands contained in T.H.A.P.
won t work, you can download it here: Moddb.com
Hands from EFT and other games
This addon is a pack of hands intended to work with T.H.A.P. most hands that have been adapted are from the game Escape From Tarkov, but you will find some other hands from CoB BO II, Ghosts and a few from Gunslinger. All exosuits and exosqueletonbs have been added metallic hands, although there s a patch to keep exosuits from T.H.A.P. (non metallic, exosqueletons will stay metallic).