Experts have warned the public to stay away from a poisonous common street tree after Chinese bloggers revealed they had become sick after posing for selfies holding its flower. It has become a trend on mainland Chinese social media for women to post photos of themselves holding flowers. This craze was fuelled by a recent flood of posts on social.
Chinese society has begun to reflect on and analyze why delayed treatments of patients resulting in tragic consequences have repeatedly occurred in Xi an, even with two years experience in combating COVID-19, after Vice Premier Sun Chunlan pointed out loopholes in epidemic prevention and control in the city and stressed that patients must be treated immediately.
What is democracy?
For some, democracy is a value in crisis or a system that awakens the masses from four years of slumber just to cast a ballot.. But for the Chinese, it is something to go on about on a daily basis but something witnessed, experienced and participated in from a very young age, as democracy runs through every link of the country s governance.